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Love Sicily? Love Sicilian Music? Come to my show! It's a beautiful, musical journey, so Join me on this music-making-odyssey.

OK, so we most likely won't meet any Lotus Eaters or run into Cyclops, but there will be lots of music, drums, dancing, story-telling... and ...maybe even some shepherds and sirens...

Come on, it'll be FUN!

Add your name to this mailing list and always know when I have a show near YOU.



So glad you stopped by. 

I sing Sicilian songs and I gather them  the way one finds beautiful shells as they wander along the beach…

So, c'mon, wander along with me...


Virtual Tip Jar: Tips keep the music going & on-line tips are like virtual-hugs!

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The minimum tip is $5.00

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Previous events


Rosa Tatuata

The Buttonwood Tree , Middletown, CT

Event has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Apologies to all who were planning to attend. Now working out the possibility of having a Rosa Tatuata Christmas Extravaganza at this venue.

Please watch this page for details .

Metalli Sonanti

Atelier Le Sibille, Via Muzio Clemente 68/B, Roma, Italia 01193

METALLI SONANTI" è il nuovo progetto di Michela Musolino alla voce e tamburi a cornice e Fabio Turchetti alla chitarra e organetto. Ispirandosi alle sonorità ancestrali della Sicilia greca, romana, araba e bizantina la voce di Michela intreccia fresche melodie creando di fatto col suo suono un atto taumaturgico di rara bellezza.